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Personal Details

You have expressed an interest in the School of Geographical and Earth Sciences: PGT Excellence Award.

If you have already registered on the system for another programme or scholarship,
click here to receive a reminder email to allow you to access your existing application, you do not need to enter your details again.

If you have not registered on the system yet,
we need to gather some personal information, and details of the course(s) you may have applied for in order to determine your potential eligibility for this or other scholarships.

Please complete the details when prompted and you will be able to select from a list of scholarships to apply for.

Please, pay extra attention when entering the details below to ensure your scholarship application can be linked to your student account. Incorrect information will result in your application being cancelled.

Please enter your details.

Application Details

Please enter your application details.
Additional applications can be added later...



By submitting the information above, an initial application will be created on the Scholarship Application portal.
You will receive a secure link via the email address above which will allow you to submit further information in support of your application.

You can also read the Universities privacy policy
click here
(opens in new window)

Please click the checkbox below to agree to your information being stored on University Systems.